2482 Henlow Squadron

"Joining the Air Cadets was honestly the best decision I have made. I've gained loads of skills and even got qualifications I can put on my CV"
- Cadet Sergeant, 17
"I've competed to a high level in swimming. I have been to corps swimming twice which were held at RAF Honington and RAF Cranwell"
- Cadet Corporal, 15
Who are we?
We're your local Air Training Corps squadron and one of 900 squadrons in the Corps. Young people aged between 12 and 20 have the chance to experience a wide variety of activities led by experienced and well qualified adult volunteers. The opportunities offered within the Air Cadets are challenging and exciting whilst offering young people chances to gain additional qualifications.
If you're looking for action, adventure, excitement, the chance to challenge yourself and broaden your experiences, then this is the right organisation for you.
2482 (Henlow) Squadron
Building 56
RAF Henlow
SG16 6DN
When do we meet?
Tuesday & Thursday 19:00 - 21:15
Other activities such as flying take place on weekends.