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Classifications & Ranks

Classifications show you level of knowledge in relation to ATC and flying subjects. There are four badges: first class, leading, senior and master cadet. First class is the first level.

First Class

To gain your First Class, you must have taken part in lessons in all of the following subjects: the History of the ATC, the History of the RAF, the History of Flight, Airmanship (aircraft recognition and the setup of airfields), Map Reading, Initial Expedition Training and Basic Radio Communication. 


To be able to get your Leading, you must be First Class and have taken part in all of the following subjects: Principles of Flight, Airmanship 2 and Basic Navigation. You must also pass a short multiple choice exam in two of the above.


For your Senior, you must take part in three of the following subjects: Aircraft Handling, Air Power, Propulsion, Rocketry, Air Frames, Avionics, Basic Air Navigation, Pilot Navigation, Advanced Radio and Radar or Satellite Comms, and pass a short multiple choice exam in two of them.

Master Cadet

For your Master Cadet, it's the same situation as above, however you cannot pick the same subjects you picked previously for your Senior. You also have to be 16 years of age, minimum to gain your Master Cadet.

Instructor Cadet

To gain your Instructor Cadet Lanyard, you must be a Master Cadet, and: have completely a Methods of Instruction Course (Teaching Course) and delivered a lesson at the Squadron, which is being assessed. You must also be 16 years old minimum.

Cadet NCO Ranks

Cadet Corporal

Cadet Corporal can normally be achieved anywhere between 8 and 18 months of attending. It will give you more responsibility on the squadron so it is important that the staff can see beforehand that you will be able to cope with this. You will the first point of contact for the cadets. It is advised that those being promoted to Corporal are 14 years of age and at least a first class cadet.

Cadet Sergeant

Cadet Sergeant can be achieved when you prove to the staff that you're exceeding standards in the role of Corporal. It normally takes between 12 and 18 months as a corporal to achieve Sergeant. You must be Leading and 16 years old minimum to achieve Sergeant

Cadet Flight Sergeant

To gain Flight Sergeant you must prove that you can excel above and beyond your duties as a Sergeant. It usually takes between roughly 3 years to achieve this rank. You must be 17 and of Senior Classification to achieve it. You must also have a short interview with an officer from the sector.

Cadet Warrant Officer

Cadet Warrant Officer comes towards the end of your Cadet Career. You must be 18 years old to achieve it and of a Master Cadet classification, with instructors lanyard. You can only achieve it once you prove that you can do more for the Squadron and benefit the Staff. You must have aninterview with the Wing Commander to acheive this rank. 

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© Crown Copyright 2012-2020. 2482 (Henlow) Squadron ATC.

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